Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Writing Journey in JRM102...

By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

“To think a lot of thought is easy. And for me, writing is the most preferred way of expressing it rather than speaking.”
JRM102 is one of my major subjects that focus more on feature and editorial writing. As expected, all of our activities involve writing. Writing really needs a heart and a mind; A mind to think the content of the article and a heart that that will determine our passion.
Every second in this class counts. Every writings is a memory. One of my unforgettable articles is about my admission at the hospital. It was not really a writing exercise for everybody but a special task assigned to me as a replacement for what I lack. When my professor, Ma’am Cherryl Berlin, told me about this, I felt joy because I had a chance to recall one unexpected event in my life. At first, I found it difficult to think again the sequence of happenings. So, I took a moment to think over from the day I felt the symptoms up to the days after I was operated due to appendicitis. I often write at night or midnight because there I found silence or I should say a peace of mind.  As I recall these things, I’ve realized a lot. I even found myself smiling most especially when the nurse will came in my room and they will inject medicine on me. I really cried aloud. I was afraid that time. I fear more every time I saw blood of mine. While I was crying, my two siblings would then laugh at me and told me. “Ate you’re not kid anymore”.  And they even told me, “You’re so funny, Ate”.  Heartfelt was the most feeling I have after my operation. I was really touched when a lot of friends of mine and my loved one visited me. They showed me intimate love and care. Indeed! They were so concerned to me.
 I gained patience that time; Patience to rethink every detail that happened. This simple thing indicates that writing skills must be coupled with good working attitude and values. These two helped me a lot to have a better article. These were the keys in order to have a good, effective, and inspiring writings. A writer must possess these because usually it reflects personality. It may help the readers to feel what really your point of view is.
Someday If I will be hired in a magazine and be a feature writer, I’d rather write and talk about emotions and feelings. Ever since, it’s my passion to speak about my emotions and others too. I also wanted to give a piece of advice. And If I would be given a chance to interview someone, I will choose Robin Williams, well known in his film “Patch Adams”. There he mentioned many ideas about Love.
I want to be remembered by the readers as someone who will be the voice of feelings and ideas.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good and Bad Peer Pressure

By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

            Peer pressure is when "friends" persuade you to doing something that you do not want to do. But maybe you want to do it, and you just don't have the courage to do it and your friends talk to you into it. Peer Pressure can be good or bad.

            Bad peer pressure is being forced into doing something that you didn't want to do because your friends said that you should. Friends have a tendency to think that they know what is best for you, and if your friends are like some of ours, they always offer their opinion whether it is wanted or not good, if friends are going to tell you what to do. Most of time, the basic thing that you can do is to say "No, I don't like to do that!" or if you want to do it, you say "Yes, let me try!”
            One of the major problems with peer pressure occurs when you try something that you really don't want to do and later on become addicted to it. Common situations on this are trying illegal drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes and more times than not, these behaviors can become habit forming. 
If and when someone comes up and offers you one of these substances, it is your decision whether you want to try or continue to use these substances. You should be prepared to make these decisions and to make a good decision you must be educated on that topic. For instance, say you were going to buy a stereo. You wouldn't just go out and pick the one that looked nice. You might do some research in a few magazines, ask a few friends what they thought, go to the store and listen to each stereo through multiple speakers and finally make an educated decision. Before getting in to a specific situation, you should take the time to read about each one and the possible drawbacks before you decide to try or not to try anything. It is better that one finds out what will happen, how it will happen, and get whatever information that you need to make an educated decision. 

Good peer pressure, on the other hand, is being pushed into something that you don't have the courage to do or just don't cross your mind to do.  However, as you think about it, it seems like a good thing to do. Good peer pressure can also be a situation when your friends convince you not to do something you were going to do because it wasn't in your best interest. Some people say that good peer pressure is when you get pushed into something that you didn't want to do and it turned out well.  Well, this may be nice, but you can’t tell ahead of time whether what you are doing will turn out good or bad. Most people can't, but if you can, your problems may be solved! When the time comes for you to make these big decisions, it is important to think before deciding.  Take as long as you need just to think about whether you want to do it, think about whether you should, and finally think about the consequences.  These are the important things that must be done before any big decision is made.  Also, knowing who is asking you to do something helps you make the decision.  If the person is not your friend, you should really consider what they want you to do, but if you know, trust and respect this person then you might seriously consider what they ask.
            Knowing who to listen to and who to avoid is the biggest step in fighting unwanted, negative peer pressure. Remember, it's your life and your responsibility for determining what you make of it!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

MC Fair 2011

By: Nia Denise G. Pangue
            Mass Communication Society (Mass Comm Soc) headed by Gary Aldovino, a fourth year student, held their Mass Comm Fair Intensified last February 15-17 at Arts Building and Auditorium.
           This event was known as a 3-day exhibit of exceptional Mass Comm talents. On the first day of the said fair, the mass comm students had their writings exhibit opening from 1-5 pm at the ground floor of the Arts Building.. The writings included editorial, cartooning editorial, and so on and so forth. Second day, on the same time, we had the articles exhibit. Many studs were attracted on the writings. They were asked to answer on a sheet of paper choosing what is best for them. Not only students, but professors too. Between this time, there was a Mass Comm Quiz Bee at AB209, 3-6 pm. Students from different levels participated on the quiz bee. A lot of audience inside the room were the supporters or classmates of the contestants. The most memorable happening during the MC Fair fell on the last day. It was in the FEU Auditorium where the Mass Comm Idol 7, Mass Comm Best Dance Crew, and Awarding Ceremonies happened. 1-5 pm classes of Mass Comm students were suspended. We were all excused in our classes. As I enter the auditorium, I felt the enjoyment and excitement. Many were already inside the auditorium and it was very noisy inside. It seems that everyone is so excited. Well, as what the Mass Comm students motto. "We don't just make noise, we make SENSE!" Great right? Ever since I heard this, I am always inspired to my course. Of course, since it was our week, we also had our organization t-shirt. We wore our organization shirt during this event. It has two colors; black and white.
       The Mass Comm Dance Crew Contest was open to all year level students enrolled this semester and so it was called. "A year level competition." It was strictly composed of 5-10 members, all coming from the same year and maximum of 7 minute performance per group. All the group that has performed were really a great dancers. They danced like a professional. And everybody were amazed.  Mass Comm Idol 7 were composed of contestants from the different level who sang a song of their choice. Same reaction appeared on our faces, we were amazed with their beautiful voices. We can see on them the next Asia's songbird, Ms. Regine Velasquez. All of the performers were really great. I saw big smile on our professor's faces. As an intermission  number, the most handsome and popular boys known in the university, came from none other than Mass Communication Society, the Morayta Boys, performed their charming and sweet dance for everybody. Almost of the students were blushing. They made the people noisier. Second to the past was the awarding ceremony and the last part was the message came from Gary Aldovino, President. Gary thanked all those who supported and helped them in making this project possible and a remarkable one. In my heart, mind, and action ... I AM PROUD TO BE A MASS COMM STUDENT!

*Pictures* (My captured pics. were only few)





Mr. Gary Aldovino (Mass Comm Soc. President)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Confessions of Shopaholic - My Article Choice

By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

    The main character in the movie, Rebecca, is a college graduate who takes on a job with a financial magazine, after losing her other job as a writer for another magazine.  She doesn't want to be associated with the magazine, so she goes by a pen name, "The Girl in the Green Scarf". After writing her first article, Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy) turns it down, as it sounds as though it comes straight from "Money for Dummies", a book she has purchased the night before.  She begins to write another article.  This one becomes an immediate hit.  She associates writing for this magazine with the use of her credit cards and then ideas come to mind easily for the shopaholic. Her column, her column "The Girl with the green scarf" gave tidbits and common sense approach to spending for all who can't help but use their plastic.
    If I were in her shoes, I would write an article about being a shopaholic. The reason why I will have that topic is because for sure, being her, the only thing that my mind and my heart will be interested to write about is what I like to do, my passion, being a shopaholic. The whole story goes around this. I will tell everything about my passion or hobby from the causes up to effects. I will also include all the experiences especially the circumstances I have encountered being a shopaholic. I may share also those advices of people close to me with regards to my hobby. By the time I will write my article, surely many ideas will pop on my mind about my chosen topic. Based from my experiences as a shopaholic, I will also give my own recommendations to the reader that will serve as their inspiration that being a shopaholic has disadvantages. 
   Rebecca's column becomes so popular that it is featured on television, and in the midst of all this, a debt collection man has been after Rebecca for some time for obviously some unpaid credit card debt, he happens to turn up at her work place, where Rebecca tells her boss that he is a stalker, he promptly has him thrown out, but the more popular she becomes the closer her gets to confronting her about the unpaid debt.
  I am hoping that my article will also become so popular wherein it will be shown in the whole wide world. 


By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

      We are now in the so called "Modern World" or "Modern Generation". And what makes our world a modern one because of the boom of the technologies. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies, including today's global economy, and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. It also affects the way of our living.
      For me, my most valued asset at this time when it comes to tangible stuffs is the Laptop. First and foremost, I chose laptop rather than cellphone because simple phones are used only for texting and calling while laptop allows you to do a lot of things on the same time. Yes! There are high tech phones now which includes pictures, videos, musics, internet access, and so on and so forth but laptop is more faster in accessing. A laptop can be used in many places not only at home and at the office, but also during commuting and flights, in coffee shops, in lecture halls and libraries, or in short everywhere.In laptop, there I can do Facebook, you tube, Yahoo and Google for my homework and project, Yahoo Mail, Skype, and many more through Internet. Even though I do not have phone, I have laptop which allows me to communicate to my relatives abroad, improve my socialization through networking site,  and research for my assignments. All of these, I can do these in one seat. All of these are one click step. 
     Laptop for me is really helpful. It makes things faster and easier. I have one at home which was given to me by my daddy. He said that the laptop is for my study until I graduate and become an employee. That is why he told me to take good care of it. Everyday I use my laptop. And I consider it as my friend when I am alone. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"Concierto Piyu-Otso Tres"

By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

    Far Eastern University celebrated its 83 years of existence, 83 years of unyielding excellence last January 21, 2011. One of the most awaited event on this celebration was the 83rd FEU Founding Anniversary Concert with the band Callalily and Pupil as the guest performers and Chris Tsuper and Jasmin Bazaar as the hosts. 
    During this day, students, faculty and staff were very excited for their most awaited time to come. It was only around three in the afternoon and yet, many were already gathered in the quadrangle and I can see the excitement on their faces. I, myself, was very early on that day just to make sure that I can have a good place as I watched them perform. Take note, I don't have class on that day but still I went at the school. That's how desperate I am to watch the concert live. 
    Hours had passed and the weather became not so clear until heavy rain poured out. The concert was supposed to start at 5 pm but because of the rain, it didn't start easily. Despite of the low flood in the quadrangle, people were still there with their umbrella waiting for the performers. Come 6, 7, and 8pm, we were still hoping that the concert will begin. As we wait, there was a news that Vice Ganda, a comedian and an alumnus of FEU, is inside the campus. According to hearsays, he was there because he wanted us, students of his alma matter, to enjoy with his jokes and to make us all groove with "Party! Party!"
  Due to non-stop rain, the concert was announced as cancelled. Of course, a lot felt sad but knowing that Callalily, Pupil, and Vice Ganda were on the campus, we all became alive. I saw the members of both band personally and for me it was an achievement. As a replacement for the songs they have prepared for us on the concert, they allowed the crowd to have picture taking. Sad to say, I wasn't able to bring my digital camera for I was in a hurry when I left home. I wasn't able to meet Vice Ganda but some of my friends met him.
 I described this event as a long,tiring, but very momentous event. I will never forget the time I saw Ely Buendia of Pupil band. After this, I called it a "Night!" 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Welcome 2011: Year of the Rabbit!

By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

   Surely I will miss all the memories I had in the 2010. But just like what mostly said, everything must come to an end to start a new beginning.
   In the morning of December 31, We (with my friends) went first to Luneta Park. We just have our side seeing. We stayed there until lunch time and at Jollibee near the place, we ate our lunch. As we got home, we helped our own Moms in preparing the needs and cooking the foods for the Medya Noche.
   As usual, I, together with my friends, monitored the countdown for the ending of 2010 and opening of 2011. Come 9:30 in the evening, we have started our session or I should say "drinking session". We drunk Red Wine and White Wine. Part of that, we also enjoyed singing on the karaoke. But after how many hours, we got tired in singing. Some voices were already husky. We decided to open the dance floor with the updated rnb songs. There we have the PARTY! PARTY! We go dancing and dancing and drinking. All of us enjoyed the party. 20 minutes before 12:00, we went outside our houses and watched the different fireworks. All are happy seeing many colors on the clouds most especially the kids in our place. 10 seconds before 2010 ends, we started counting and so on th 12 midnight, many are shouting aloud and are jumping because of the belief that they will get taller. I brought outside our house "kaldero and sandok", bump to each other to make noise. After this, we ate our medya noche meal.
  On the first day of January 2011, we went to Novaliches, my grandparents' place, to have our reunion on my father's side. Many things happened and in all things, we found happiness.
 The start of the year 2011 is indeed a wonderful opening. Like in Christmas, I celebrated the New Year with my family, friends, and of course with my man. :)


As we wait for the 2011/Medya Noche! ....

at Novaliches ...

* with my MAN <3 *