Wednesday, February 16, 2011


By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

      We are now in the so called "Modern World" or "Modern Generation". And what makes our world a modern one because of the boom of the technologies. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. In many societies, technology has helped develop more advanced economies, including today's global economy, and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. It also affects the way of our living.
      For me, my most valued asset at this time when it comes to tangible stuffs is the Laptop. First and foremost, I chose laptop rather than cellphone because simple phones are used only for texting and calling while laptop allows you to do a lot of things on the same time. Yes! There are high tech phones now which includes pictures, videos, musics, internet access, and so on and so forth but laptop is more faster in accessing. A laptop can be used in many places not only at home and at the office, but also during commuting and flights, in coffee shops, in lecture halls and libraries, or in short everywhere.In laptop, there I can do Facebook, you tube, Yahoo and Google for my homework and project, Yahoo Mail, Skype, and many more through Internet. Even though I do not have phone, I have laptop which allows me to communicate to my relatives abroad, improve my socialization through networking site,  and research for my assignments. All of these, I can do these in one seat. All of these are one click step. 
     Laptop for me is really helpful. It makes things faster and easier. I have one at home which was given to me by my daddy. He said that the laptop is for my study until I graduate and become an employee. That is why he told me to take good care of it. Everyday I use my laptop. And I consider it as my friend when I am alone. 

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