Saturday, February 19, 2011

MC Fair 2011

By: Nia Denise G. Pangue
            Mass Communication Society (Mass Comm Soc) headed by Gary Aldovino, a fourth year student, held their Mass Comm Fair Intensified last February 15-17 at Arts Building and Auditorium.
           This event was known as a 3-day exhibit of exceptional Mass Comm talents. On the first day of the said fair, the mass comm students had their writings exhibit opening from 1-5 pm at the ground floor of the Arts Building.. The writings included editorial, cartooning editorial, and so on and so forth. Second day, on the same time, we had the articles exhibit. Many studs were attracted on the writings. They were asked to answer on a sheet of paper choosing what is best for them. Not only students, but professors too. Between this time, there was a Mass Comm Quiz Bee at AB209, 3-6 pm. Students from different levels participated on the quiz bee. A lot of audience inside the room were the supporters or classmates of the contestants. The most memorable happening during the MC Fair fell on the last day. It was in the FEU Auditorium where the Mass Comm Idol 7, Mass Comm Best Dance Crew, and Awarding Ceremonies happened. 1-5 pm classes of Mass Comm students were suspended. We were all excused in our classes. As I enter the auditorium, I felt the enjoyment and excitement. Many were already inside the auditorium and it was very noisy inside. It seems that everyone is so excited. Well, as what the Mass Comm students motto. "We don't just make noise, we make SENSE!" Great right? Ever since I heard this, I am always inspired to my course. Of course, since it was our week, we also had our organization t-shirt. We wore our organization shirt during this event. It has two colors; black and white.
       The Mass Comm Dance Crew Contest was open to all year level students enrolled this semester and so it was called. "A year level competition." It was strictly composed of 5-10 members, all coming from the same year and maximum of 7 minute performance per group. All the group that has performed were really a great dancers. They danced like a professional. And everybody were amazed.  Mass Comm Idol 7 were composed of contestants from the different level who sang a song of their choice. Same reaction appeared on our faces, we were amazed with their beautiful voices. We can see on them the next Asia's songbird, Ms. Regine Velasquez. All of the performers were really great. I saw big smile on our professor's faces. As an intermission  number, the most handsome and popular boys known in the university, came from none other than Mass Communication Society, the Morayta Boys, performed their charming and sweet dance for everybody. Almost of the students were blushing. They made the people noisier. Second to the past was the awarding ceremony and the last part was the message came from Gary Aldovino, President. Gary thanked all those who supported and helped them in making this project possible and a remarkable one. In my heart, mind, and action ... I AM PROUD TO BE A MASS COMM STUDENT!

*Pictures* (My captured pics. were only few)





Mr. Gary Aldovino (Mass Comm Soc. President)

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