Saturday, December 11, 2010

SimpLy JHA ...

(Profile and Interview)
By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

    Joyce Ann Pilapil, commonly known with her nickname,"Jha", is a second year Mass Communication student at Far Eastern University (FEU). Jha is 18 years of age and was born on the 10th of January 1992. She is currently residing at del Pilar, South Cembo, Makati with her grandparents and cousins. She was the only child of Mrs. Dionedes Pilapil and Mr. Vicente Pilapil. Her mother live on their province and his father is working abroad.

    Year 1998 when she started going to school and finished her primary education at GSIS Village Elementary School on the year 2004. She graduated as a highschool student at Ismael Mathay Sr. Highschool. In 2008, she enrolled at FEU-Institute of Nursing. Due to the occurance of some problems, Jha stopped schooling after her second year, first semester. She came back from studying on the first semester of school year 2010 but not as a nursing student anymore, instead, as a Mass Comm student. 

       Jha had a lot of happiest moment, but one thing that marks on her heart and mind was when her family had a get together after so many years. She really spend all of her time talking, bonding, eating, and sleeping with her mom and dad. This serve as her inspiration as she goes through her life. So far, there is no embarassing moment that happens to her. On the other side, she considered the time when she shifted course,from nursing to mass comm, as her saddest experience. She realized that she loves nursing more than mass comm.  

        Others described her as a kind, generous, and a loving person. When I had my interview with her, I've noticed that she is a shy type person, polite in terms of answering the questions, and based on the story of her life, I can say that she had undergone many experiences in life already. "Haters are your confused admirers. They're dying to be like me, Get Over it!" is her favorite quote which she used as a closure of her story-life.

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