Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Confessions of Shopaholic - My Article Choice

By: Nia Denise G. Pangue

    The main character in the movie, Rebecca, is a college graduate who takes on a job with a financial magazine, after losing her other job as a writer for another magazine.  She doesn't want to be associated with the magazine, so she goes by a pen name, "The Girl in the Green Scarf". After writing her first article, Luke Brandon (Hugh Dancy) turns it down, as it sounds as though it comes straight from "Money for Dummies", a book she has purchased the night before.  She begins to write another article.  This one becomes an immediate hit.  She associates writing for this magazine with the use of her credit cards and then ideas come to mind easily for the shopaholic. Her column, her column "The Girl with the green scarf" gave tidbits and common sense approach to spending for all who can't help but use their plastic.
    If I were in her shoes, I would write an article about being a shopaholic. The reason why I will have that topic is because for sure, being her, the only thing that my mind and my heart will be interested to write about is what I like to do, my passion, being a shopaholic. The whole story goes around this. I will tell everything about my passion or hobby from the causes up to effects. I will also include all the experiences especially the circumstances I have encountered being a shopaholic. I may share also those advices of people close to me with regards to my hobby. By the time I will write my article, surely many ideas will pop on my mind about my chosen topic. Based from my experiences as a shopaholic, I will also give my own recommendations to the reader that will serve as their inspiration that being a shopaholic has disadvantages. 
   Rebecca's column becomes so popular that it is featured on television, and in the midst of all this, a debt collection man has been after Rebecca for some time for obviously some unpaid credit card debt, he happens to turn up at her work place, where Rebecca tells her boss that he is a stalker, he promptly has him thrown out, but the more popular she becomes the closer her gets to confronting her about the unpaid debt.
  I am hoping that my article will also become so popular wherein it will be shown in the whole wide world. 

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